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Demonstrators Clash During White Lives Matter Rally in Huntington Beach

HUNTINGTON BEACH,CA - Crowds flooded the Huntington beach pier area as a White Lives Matter rally attracted the Black Lives Matter Huntington Beach movement. Tension ran high while protestors argued and fought over controversial opinions about racism in the United States.

Photo by, Andrea Esparza

The rally was anticipated after controversial flyers displaying Ku Klux Klan propaganda were distributed in a Huntington Beach neighborhood in late March. The White Lives Matter protesters today said they had a need to defend white culture and prevent the genocide of white American nationalism.

The Black Lives Matter counter-protest started at 11 am, and the White Lives Matter Movement began at 1 pm. White Lives Matter rallies were scheduled to occur across the country. According to posts on Telegram, White Live Matter advocates want "To revive the White Racial Consciousness and unify White People against white hate. A show of support for White victims of interracial crime."

Even Though the White Lives Matter movement had been planning this rally for weeks, they were vastly outnumbered, yet still managed to stir a strong reaction from opponents.

White lives Matter protester Ted Laporte stood on the street holding up various flags, including a Trump 2020 and Don’t Tread on Me flag.

When asked if he supported the White Lives Matter movement, he quickly responded by expressing his First Amendment freedom of speech rights.

"It is my right, and what I do is my business. You know I believe in a higher power, Jesus Christ, and ask his father why he made me white and black...I didn't ask to be born White. Our fate has been predetermined, and we can go back and forth over racism, but we are setting ourselves up for mutual destruction.” said Laporte.

White Live Matter Protestors marched in street intersections chanting “Save White

Culture. Save white lives.”

Counter-protestor Tory Johnson and Founder of Black Lives Matter Huntington Beach disputed the White Lives Matter argument.

"White Lives have always mattered and still do, but when you host protests like this and deny racism, it is disrespectful to brown, black, and Asian Americans; this cannot continue; this needs to stop.” said Johnson.

Proud Boy members and White Lives Matter protesters confidentiality wore racist propaganda, including swastika tattoos. Counter protestors confronted the white nationalist by asking them difficult questions about racism. The atmosphere quickly grew stiff, and various fights erupted.

Huntington Beach Police Department Lt. Brian Smith said the department could not identify an organizer or leader of the “White Lives Matter" protest.

According to police, there were more than 500 people present during the event, and 12 people were arrested on various charges ranging from municipal code violations to fighting in public and weapons offenses.

Huntington Beach resident Shelia Williams believes the white community hosted the rally because they are afraid and feel threatened.

"They are upset because their privilege is no longer working. They are mad because no, your violence is now being silenced, and we are not letting it go on any further.” said Williams.

Ken Hawkins stated he was neutral and came to the event to see how the protest played out. He explained he does not feel threatened by people of color, but wants the White Lives Matter Movement to be treated fairly.

"I understand why the Black Lives Matter movement came out today, but at the same time, I think it may cause more disruption than anything...we need to find common ground. It needs to be a fair playing field if they are being heard, then we should be heard too.” said Hawkins.

The protest reflects racial tensions simmering across the United States. In the meantime, White Lives Matter demonstrators say they will continue to protest nationwide until they believe they are equal to the Black Lives Matter movement.

Video by, CBS News

Video by, Andrea Esparza

Audio by, Andrea Esparza

By Andrea Esparza With contributions from Los Angeles Times, The Orange County Register, KTLA Photo, Andrea Esparza Video, CBS News Video, Andrea Esparza Audio, Andrea Esparza EDUCATE YOURSELF Opinion: There is no 'White culture' White Americans and ‘White Consciousness Who are the Proud Boys?


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